Vehicule Press' Titles
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A list of VP titles relating to translation. A profile of Sheila Fischman.

History has shown that a decline of translation activities that foster cross-cultural exchange and renovation can easily lead to intellectual and artistic stagnation. Perhaps we are in danger of moving toward such a point. In moments of crisis it is natural to retreat to that which was before, that which apparently has worked before and therefore might constitute a pillar for the future.
Uncertainty in cultural, political, and ethical orientation reduces receptivity to multicultural perspectives. And it is exactly in those moments of external and internal insecurity that taking in foreign perspectives can contribute to the crystalization of those values and creative impulses that build the backbone of a nation and its language as a way of seeing.

From Rainer Schulte
"Translation and the Publishing World"
Translation Review No. 34/35, 1990-91
(Centre for Translation Studies, University of Texas at Dallas)

SIMON, Sherry, ed.
Culture in Transit: Translating the Literature of Québec

HOMEL, D. and SIMON, S., eds.
Mapping Literature: The Art & Politics of Translation

From Arabic

MAGHUT, Muhammad al-
Joy is Not My Profession

From French

BLAIS, Jean-Ethier
White Desert

BLAIS, Marie-Claire
Veiled Countries / Lives

Keep it all
From Greek

KARAVIS, Andreas
Saracen Island

From Japanese

OIWA, Keibo>
Stone Voices

From Polish

WITUSKA, Krystyna
I Am First A Human Being

From Spanish

MALLET, Marilú
Voyage to the Other Extreme

From Yiddish

ANCTIL, Pierre
Through the Eyes of the Eagle

MEDRES, Israel
Montreal Of Yesterday
Between the Wars

In the Heart of Warsaw
When Paupers Dance

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