Stopping Time: Paul Bley and the Transformation of Jazz

Paul Bley and David Lee

This book is a little jewel: sparsely written and edited, it is beautifully packaged, exquisitely illustrated, equipped with an index and bibliography, and has a thorough discography with over 100 references. It with produced and crafted with love... In the same manner that jazz music transcends all borders, this book will circulated off this island as far and as wide as Paul Bley tours. - Steven Morris, Montreal Gazette

What ties this sprawling story together is Bley's storytelling--anecdotal, humorous, opinionated and given to plain-spoken philosophical sidetrips into the nature of jazz... The photos, especially the Montreal-era ones, are a vivid complement to the text. - Ian McGillis, The National Post

Mr. Bley has recently published a memoir in which he proves to be a perceptive jazz critic as well as an engaging storyteller. -The New York Times